Member-only story
Reset Your Energy & Your Course
Whenever you put two or more people together, a new culture is created between them. Each person brings their beliefs, values and perspectives to the space they share, and those beliefs, values and perceptions overlap or differ to varying degrees. As human beings, we’re wired for survival, and we’ve achieved that fairly solidly over the centuries. Whilst we’re not generally too worried about our rank on the food chain with regards to the rest of nature, we do tend to spend a fair amount of our time considering where we rank in our daily lives with respect to other people and our general success — however you personally choose to evaluate that. This is our natural survival instinct at work.
Add the pressures of a global pandemic and its fallout, and you’ll probably find that you’ve spent more time thinking about division in the past few years than you have about what brings us together? Not only have we dealt with an incredible amount of change and challenge that has depleted our energy, but there seems little respite. Whether this change and challenge has seen you powering forward or dragging behind, it’s further added to our primal need to try and survive. That primal survival need is wired to make us fight for ourselves — and this can make us single-minded rather than collaborative. This is a short-term strategy though as, longer term, we draw strength from our ability to “belong” and to act as a team…